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Presentation |
It is my pleasure, on behalf of the International Association of Neuropterology, the Instituto de Biología of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IB-UNAM), and the local organizing committee, to formally announce a first call for participation and attendance to the 12th International Symposium of Neuropterology. All individuals interested in any aspects of the biology, systematics, natural history, evolution, as well as applied studies of the Neuropterida (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, and Raphidioptera), are welcome to attend and share results of their research. Contributions will be accepted in the form of talks or posters. Interested authors will have the option to publish an extended version of their contribution in a volume of Proceedings. The official language of the symposium will be English. |
Venue and housing |
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The symposium will take place at the National University main campus (Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM), located on the southern part of Mexico City. Specifically, sessions will take place at the Botanical Garden facilities, adjacent to the Instituto de Biología main building. The Radisson Paraíso Perisur Hotel will be the host hotel, conveniently located close to the University campus (www.radisson.com.mx), and will offer a special rate to the symposium attendees. May in Mexico City marks the end of the dry season (end of November through beginning of June), and so it is the warmest month just before rain season (June through November). Afternoons might be quite warm (up to 30°C or little more). However Mexico City is in a high plateau (about 2300 m above sea level) so even in May early mornings and evenings might be cool, as well as places in the shade, so a light sweater or light rain jacket at hand are always useful. Probability of rain is quite low, but scattered rains have always a chance in May. Hotel reservations should be made directly by all attendants to the symposium. Through this site:http://www.radisson.com/internationalsymposiumonneuropterology |
Registration and dates |
The symposium will take place from May 12th (Tuesday) through the 15th (Friday). We will have an afternoon of registration and a brief welcoming ceremony on the 12th, then full sessions of talks and posters on the 13th and 14th, with a short sight seeing excursion and banquet on the 15th. There will be a four-day collecting trip to Los Tuxtlas Biological Station in Veracruz state immediately after the symposium (leaving on Saturday May 16th in the morning, returning to Mexico City on Wednesday May 20th late afternoon). Non-entomologist spouses and partners are welcome (we will have excursions to visit museums and historic sites in the city prepared for them). |
Registration to the symposium will include access to all events and sessions, including a welcoming cocktail on campus, an early evening mixer at the hotel on the first day, lunch meals during the symposium, a closing banquet, as well as page charges for a Proceedings volume. Cost of registration will be $ 400 USD regular attendant ($ 450 USD beginning February 1st 2015) and $ 250 USD for accredited (actively enrolled in a program) students ($ 270 USD beginning February 1st). Registration for the collecting trip to Los Tuxtlas will have a cost of $ 250 USD regular attendant ($ 300 USD beginning February 1st) and $ 200 USD for accredited students ($ 230 USD beginning February 1st). Cost of the field excursion covers transportation, housing, and meals at the biological station. Payments will be made through credit card via a safe web site or cash on site (credit card payment in advance is encouraged). To register please click here |
Interested potential attendants are encouraged to express their intention of participation with an e-mail as soon as possible; also please mention whether a non-participant companion is included, as well as whether plans to go to the excursion to Los Tuxtlas field station are being made. Please address this information and all inquiries to the e-mail <isn2015@st.ib.unam.mx>. This information will be very useful to us in order to fine-tune the organization of the symposium. |
Program in brief |
May 12th (Tuesday). 03:00–6:00 PM. Registration, welcome words and formal inauguration. Cocktail and appetizers. 7:00 PM. Mixer at hotel. |
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May 13th (Wednesday). 09:00 AM–6:00 PM. Oral presentations (with coffee breaks and lunch). 6:30–9:30 PM. Dinner in Coyoacán town (nearby town southern Mexico City). |
May 14th (Thursday). 09:00 AM–6:00 PM. Oral presentations and posters. Concluding remarks, future research directions. 6:30–9:30 PM. Dinner in Tlalpan (nearby town southern Mexico City). |
May 15th (Friday). 10:00 AM. Short excursion to Teotihuacán pyramids (north of Mexico City). 02:00 PM. Banquet. 05:00 PM. Closing words and farewell. |
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May 16th (Saturday). 09:00 AM. Departure to field excursion to Los Tuxtlas. |
May 17th –19th (Sunday–Tuesday). Field excursion in Los Tuxtlas. |
May 20th (Wednesday). 09:00 AM. Returning trip to Mexico City. 05:00 PM stop at main hotel and farewell. |
Contributions |
As soon as convenient, preferably after registration but no later than November 30th 2014, tentative titles and abstracts should be sent to the organizing committee to the e-mail <isn2015@st.ib.unam.mx>. A preference for talk or poster format should be expressed. Participations in poster format are encouraged. Detailed instructions for abstracts, posters and talks will be published by the end of August 2014. |
Field excursion |
Individual participants to the field excursion should bring their own collecting gear. Collecting will be restricted to individuals with a collecting permit, which I will process; so it is important to know in advance who will attend the field trip. Collecting will be restricted to members of the Neuropterida, and will take place only during the specified dates. Writing a report of the specimens collected might be required, as well as an additional condition of depositing any potential holotypes at UNAM. I will also process an export permit for specimens (all these are institutional rules). Further details regarding the field trip, such as climate and recommendations will be later provided. |